Intergenerational Play & Storytelling

We were delighted to receive Scottish Government Get Into Summer Funding to partner with Generations Working Together to run this pilot project.

The aim of the project was to connect children and older people through stories and play in order to tackle the isolation caused by the pandemic.

We ran pilots across 7 care homes and 10 settings for children and young people.

Based on working with these settings and gathering case studies we produced a resource to support intergenerational play and storytelling.

We launched the resource on the 29th of April 2022 as part of global interegenerational week.

We are keen to collect more case studies that work in this way.

The foreword is from Christina McKelvie MSP and Minister for Older People and Equalities, one of several MSPs noting support for Global #IntergenerationalWeek during motion in Parliament on 28th April, notes

“Older people have told us they want action to ensure they have access to activity that brings different generations together as well as opportunities to remain actively engaged with, and involved in, their communities.

This Toolkit is a wonderful idea to support intergenerational development, confidence in practitioners and inspire best practice, as play and storytelling are intrinsic to personal and community development. These are the natural ways we interconnect, share and learn about each other, so I support the view of play and storytelling as the golden threads which bring different generations together to share old and new skills, encourage understanding and appreciation of each other and enrich relationships. I look forward to seeing this excellent resource being used throughout Scotland.”

Download the toolkit here:

