“This Play Map is a great resource designed to help Community Planning Partnerships plan for play. I hope that Community Planning Partnerships will find it useful in helping them to provide play opportunities across Scotland.”
Aileen Campbell MSP, Minister for Children and Young People
The Play Map
The Play Map has been developed to support Community Planning Partnerships (CPPs) build play into their strategic plans. It will help CPPs deliver on their objectives to support the wellbeing of children, young people and their families across the communities.
The Play Map aims to support CPPs to:
- Commit to principles which support the child’s right to play
- Provide leadership through developing strategic priorities and appointing Play Champions
- Listen to children, young people, families and communities so their views inform CPPs
- Map existing provision and explore gaps in current services and opportunities
- Consider effective approaches to developing plan in communities and share effective practice
- Review play’s contribution to CPPs locality plans.
The Play Map also supports the aims of the statutory guidance for Community Learning and Development and its focus on:
- development and active citizenship
- building stronger, more resilient, supportive, influential and inclusive communities.
“Wherever they live, children and young people of all ages, abilities and interests, should be able to play in a variety of ways, in high quality spaces, within sight of their homes or within easy walking distance, where they feel safe whether or not they are accompanied by adults”
Getting it Right for Play, Play Scotland