Playday in North Ayrshire

Eglington Park was  a hive of activity and noise today as North Ayrshire Council celebrate national Playday in style.

Mud, dens, water, bugs, painting, glueing and sticking, fishing, police vans and horses were some of the activities for the children and their parents to enjoy. The sun shone as the children played at den building with sticks, ropes and material, making an interesting style of wigwam and tents. The park rangers had large basins of water full of mini beasts, which crowds of children were curiously watching and wondering at.

The North Ayrshire Playworkers worked tirelessly with the large amounts of children who had turned up to celebrate Playday. A banner celebrating Article 31 of the UNCRC was being painted and decorated by children. The banner will be displayed in libraries and community spaces across North Ayrshire over the next year.

A really great fun day was had by all in North Ayrshire.

Happy Playday from Debbie Willett, Play Scotland


