Life in the time of Covid.19 – Self isolation as a teenager. Day 8

Day 8: strange times

Today I woke up to bright sunshine and warmth. This was a welcome change compared to the past couple days of rain and cloud. I decided I would make the most of it by sitting in my back garden, having breakfast and reading my book. After this I went on a long walk by myself. After about an half an hour of walking I decided to take a break and sit at the duck pond that I came across. I watched a few young kids who were there with their parents feeding the swans. This reminded me of when I was a child, my family and I used to go to the river in my town to feed the different birds. I wished today that I had bread with me so I could feed the swans like I did when I was young. But watching them splash around and nibble away at the bread crusts made me feel as though I was part of it now, even from far away.

When I was walking home I saw one of my friends from school. We stood two metres apart and talked to each other briefly. I’m not sure what we’re supposed to do when you see someone you know on the street, you can’t ignore them, but we kept our distance and had a shouty conversation with each other.  It was so odd speaking to someone in person – its amazing how quickly we’ve got used not to seeing people face to face. It was great to see her again after what seemed like the longest week ever! It made us both frustrated that we couldn’t walk side by side like normal or talk for long but I suppose that’s the way things are at the moment. We spoke about how school had been rushed to an end and how we would’ve both appreciated the extra two weeks we should have had. It’s a real shame we didn’t get our sixth year end like we hoped for but whilst we spoke we realised that we did in fact turn the last couple days of school into a good laugh. As we both set off home it felt strange not to hug her goodbye but I fought the urge and walked home slowly.

