Playday 2020

We are delighted to announce that the theme for this year’s Playday is … Everyday Freedoms Everyday Adventures

The Playday 2020 theme aims to highlight the importance of giving children and teenagers the freedom to play and have everyday adventures. As well as celebrating children’s right to play, Playday 2020 recognises the impact of government restrictions and physical distancing on children’s mental health and opportunities to play freely with friends and in their community.

This year, we want to focus on the unique characteristics of play that we know help children make sense of the world around them and can alleviate their stress and anxiety, particularly during challenging and uncertain times.

As in previous years we are calling on families and carers to support children to play in carefree ways, on Playday and every day! Children will play wherever they are and whenever they can – as adults we can support this by making play a part of our daily life.

Find out more about the theme and how this year’s Playday differs from previous campaigns, at:

