What do we know about play GUS PlayBriefing

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Growing in Scotland and Play Scotland Research

Growing Up in Scotland (GUS) collects information about where children play, what they play, who they play with, how often they play, at what age they are allowed to play outside independently and about parents’ attitudes towards play and physical activity. This Briefing brings together findings from the study relating to children’s play, both at home and outside. It adds to the body of evidence recently published in a review by Play Scotland.

GUS is a major longitudinal research study following the lives of over 10,000 children across Scotland from infancy through to the teenage years and beyond. Launched in 2005, the study provides a wealth of information to support policy making and the planning of services. It also provides a useful evidence base for practitioners and a resource for academics and students. Families taking part in the study are being interviewed regularly to capture crucial data about the experiences of children in Scotland today.

Resource type: Research
Categories: Health & Wellbeing

